I think we need a basic recap here, because we've forgotten what these game are about. The 1st Untitled Mar Game was the start of a great thing, a basic dating simulator tarting our favorite Casanova, Mar. He has to seduce through his group of friend and finally faces off with the ultimate seducing machine, Jamoya's Smeather Robot. Luckily no challenge is too hard for Mar and he easily excels until Austin kidnaps the smeather bot and that's where the 1st game ends. The 2nd Untitled Mar Game added a more nonlinear story and adds Heather as a playable character, each with their own story, unfortunately I only count Untitled Heather Game as canon, because it's much more funnier, because I'm in it. You have to appease Austin's lonesomeness by breaking up multiple couples which allows you to free Mar and capture Austin once and for all. The 3rd starts  here, with Jada saving Austin an together they form a plan to never be disrespected again. And notice the new style, no longer a visual novel this is a full RPG, so you're going to need a gameboy emulator to play this one.

Keyboard Controls 

Up - Up Arrow / W 

Down - Down Arrow / S 

Left - Left Arrow / A Right -

 Right Arrow / D 

A - Alt / Z / J

 B - Ctrl / K / X 

Start - Enter 

Select - Shift


game.gb 512 kB

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